Flat roofs have become a more common roof type due to their design flexibility and low maintenance options. Flat roofs have been used for centuries in architecture and work well with contemporary designs and additions. They are designed to withstand heavy snowfall, lower thermal conductivity, vapor barriers that prevent moisture buildup and require little maintenance over the years. For these reasons, flat roofs are easily integrated into residential roofing projects. Some uses and information for flat roofing designs in residential projects include:
Reasons to Consider a Flat Roof
Flat roofs are gaining popularity for two reasons. First, they allow projects to be finished on time and within budget while increasing property value. Second, they can serve as an attractive option to those looking to retrofit their existing roofing instead of constructing a whole new structure. Whatever the reason for their popularity, a wide range of flat roofing materials are available for both residential and commercial applications.
Flat Roof Issues
When you are using a flat roof for a new home with a contemporary design or for a remodeling project, there are some issues that have to be dealt with. These issues include problems where flat roofs meet the slope of existing roofs or the weight issues for larger surfaces in new construction. There are two things that can be done to deal with these issues; the first is to reinforce the area where flat roofs meet shingles or other materials, and the second is proper drainage. Reinforcing the structure to account for heavier loads and snow loads in colder climates is also important for any flat roof design.
Flat Roof Options
When you have decided to use a flat roof for your project, there are a lot of options to choose from. These options start with the type of materials, which can be layered or a single membrane. There are also options for drainage and lightweight soils that can be used for a flat roof design. When building residential projects for new construction or remodeling, lighter materials are important to make them possible and keep costs down.
Lightweight Materials
Due to the lightweight design of modern residential construction, flat roofs need to be lighter than what is used for typical commercial installations. Some of the best options for lighter flat roofing materials include membranes, layer bitumen roofing, and spray roof coatings. The spray roof coatings can also include lightweight foam layers, which improve efficiency and the longevity of the new roof.
Flat Roof Designs
There are also a lot of options for the designs of commercial roofs. You can do things like add landscaping and outdoor space to a flat roof. The drainage of the roof can also be great to integrate water collection systems into home designs. This can give you options to maximize the use of outdoor space and the benefits of a flat roof design. In addition, flat roofs designs can also be used for additions to older structures without taking away from the original architectural designs and splendor.
Think outside the box when considering residential home improvements—flat roofs aren't just for factories or warehouses anymore. Contact a flat roof contractor to discuss options for your residential project. Go to websites with flat roof examples for a better idea of what you're looking for.