Roofs Have Come So Far

Three Tips For A Leak-Free New Roof

One hopes that leak worries become a thing of the past with the installation of a new roof, but unfortunately some problems can persist if you don't solve the cause. The following three installation tips allow you to upgrade your roof so that leak worries become a thing of the past.

1: Water Barriers

Although shingles are designed to to shed water and keep your home's interior dry, leaks can still occur. Whether the leak is caused by an ice dam forming in winter or from unseen damage to a shingle, the result is the same -- water in your attic.

Water barriers can stop leaks, at least long enough so that you can repair the main problem. Your roofer will install a water proof membrane over your roof decking but beneath the main roof underlayment and shingles. This barrier will render your roof watertight so that leak worries can become a thing of the past.

2: Gutter Covers

Many roof leaks aren't caused by damage, so a new roof may not solve the problem. Often, leaks occur due to gutter issues. When gutters are clogged, water that is flowing from the roof can overflow, and backflow may result. This backflow goes a few inches up the roof, which is enough to flow beneath shingles and leak into the house.

Gutter covers keep leaves, twigs, and other debris out of the gutters so that they no longer become clogged. Your roofer can install gutters and covers at the same time they replace your roof.

3: Heat Cables

If ice dams are the main cause for your leak, then a new roof may not remedy the issue. Ice dams form when ice that has collected on the roof refreezes before it can flow off, resulting in a ridge of ice. When additional snow melt occurs further up the roof, it flows down until it hits the ice ridge, when then causes the water to stop and seep backward beneath the shingles behind the dam.

Your roofer can integrate automatic heat cables into the roof in areas where ice dams tend to form. These cables come on automatically when temperatures fall within a certain range. They heat up just enough to prevent an ice dam from forming.

Roofing materials should also be chosen with leaks in mind. Although traditional shingles work well for most homes, if you have heavy tree cover and a greater chance for roof punctures, then metal roofing can be a better option. Contact a roofer or visit roof replacement service websites to learn more and discuss all of these options.